What We Provide

We design and build cloud infrastructure to help your organization maximize its maintainability, security, and scalability. Two essential components of our approach are DevOps Design Patterns and the Continuous Infrastructure Delivery Model.

DevOps Consulting | Devops as A Service

Infrastructure Automation Consulting Build, deploy & manage your cloud infrastructure using Automatation

Cloud Consulting

We can design and build cloud infrastructure to help your organization maximize its maintainability, security, and scalability. Two essential components of our approach are DevOps Design Patterns and the Continuous Infrastructure Delivery Model.


Continuous Integration (CI) is an industry standard management/organizational practice in which developers merge code into a shared repository several times daily, thereby detecting problems early. A key component of agile development, practicing Continuous Integration reduces your organization’s exposure to risk, as the system is predicated on addressing issues effectively and early in the development process.


We provide professional Kubernetes consulting services as an official Kubernetes partner. We customize this service to help developers manage this cluster-based container system seamlessly and efficiently. By harnessing the fifth-generation Kubernetes capability, developers can normalize and standardize these clustered infrastructures on-demand. This enables them to overcome various weaknesses of the preceding multi-nodal configurations.

+54 91164113347
+1 (647) 8466950

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567 5 St, La Plata, Buenos Aires
804 – 23 Brant St, Toronto, Canada
Zinbig IT 2021 – All rights reserved